TestNG HTML Report:

Why do we need reporting?

  • The aim of automation is not to use the application under test only we test the application as an automation tester, find bugs/issues and report it to the development team or higher management team.
  • Reporting software bugs and test case results here is important for the testing process.

TestNG Reporting:

  • After execution of Selenium script, TestNG will generate a “test-output” folder in the root of the project with a list of HTML files.

Two types of reports generated using TestNG:

  1. Index.html:  This is the full report of the currently executed script, which includes error, group, time, reporter logs, XPL XML files with details.
  2. emailable-report.html:  This is a brief report of a currently executed script, highlighting the green test case messages (for pass exam cases) and red (for cases of failed testing).

Example: Three methods namely pass, fail and skip with a @Test annotation to create a TestNG HTML report.

  • In this example, we handle the Pass / Fail / Skip test methods.
  • Using Assert we can verify existing test pass or fail.

Example: Add Package name and class name in the TestNG.xml file.

  • We call the class in TestNG.xml file using package name . (dot) class name E.g: package_name.HTML_Report

  • Right click on TestNG.xml file then Run As TestNG Suite then shows the output in the console panel.


TestNG Report Generation in Selenium WebDriver and How To Generate TestNG Reports and Configuring ReportNG with TestNG for HTML Reports