Java Abstraction:

  • Abstraction is the process of hiding the execution details and showing the functionality to the user only.
  • Abstraction lets you pay attention to how the object is doing instead of how it is done.


Real Life Example of Abstraction:

  • We only know about running a car, but it does not know how it works, and we do not even know the internal functionality of the car.


There are two ways to get an abstraction in Java:

  • Abstract class (0 to 100% abstraction)
  • Interface (100% abstraction is received)


Abstract class / method:

  • An abstract class is a class that has been declared with the keyword abstract.
  • It can be mixed with implementation or without declared methods.
  • It needs to be expanded and all abstract methods should be implemented in the child class.
  • It can not be interpreted to mean that you can not make an object of an abstract class.
  • Abstract method is a method which has been declared without implementation.




Example of Abstract class & Method:



  • An interface in Java is a template of a class.
  • This collection of abstract methods means that all methods are abstract methods in the interface.
  • With abstract methods, an interface can also contain constants, default methods, static methods, and nested types.
  • The interface in Java is a mechanism to achieve completely abstraction.
  • It can not be started like an abstract class.




When do you use java abstraction?

  • When you know that there must be something, but it is not certain how it should look.

Benefits of java Abstraction:

  • By using abstraction, we can separate things that can be grouped in some other way.